Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Recap of PLL 6x01 “Game On, Charles”

PLL is back and darker than ever for the season 6 premiere 6x01 “Game On, Charles”.  After the Liars attempted a desperate escape in the Pretty Little Liars season 5 finale “Welcome to the Dollhouse”, Charles decided to punish the Liars.  While the Liars suffer in the dollhouse, Caleb, Ezra and Alison desperately try to save them.

Mona isn’t the only girl Charles has dressed up like Alison.  A mystery blonde girl, wearing the yellow top from the night Alison disappeared, is also stuck in Charles’s dollhouse.  The wall of her room is covered in tallies for each day she’s been there.  Clearly she’s been stuck in the dollhouse a lot longer than the Liars have.  She is painting on the wall when she hears the Liars running past her room in their escape attempt.  Instead of joining the girls and getting out of there, she goes back in her room and sits on the bed.

The girls race out of the dollhouse, only to be horrified by the electric fence surrounding them.  Before the girls decide what to do, Charles locks the compound doors.  The girls are locked outside, but are still trapped by the fence.

Spencer, the only one who was in the same room as Charles, tells the girls that there was something really familiar about him.  It was like when you see someone you knew when you were really little.

The girls are left to suffer in the rain without any food or water.  Charles leaves them outside for so long, the girls wonder how long they can survive.  They must have been out there for days, since the girls are thirsty enough to drink their own pee.

Aria is quickly reaching breaking point.  She’s not sure how much she can handle.  Mona, still strong, assures them that they can all handle it.

Charles finally opens the door of the dollhouse and instructs them to enter.  The girls are afraid to go in and ask Mona what to do.  Mona thinks the punishment might be over.  Maybe Charles isn’t mad anymore, since he already starved them.

The girls cling to each other and go inside.  “A” suddenly appears and throws a gas bomb at the girls.  He grabs Mona and separates her from the Liars.

The Liars wake up in what looks like a morgue.  They are naked, but covered with sheets.  Emily’s immediate fear is that “A” harvested their organs while they were unconscious.  You can live with one kidney.  The Liars realize “A” was sending a message to their families.  He wanted them to look dead, so their parents would stop looking for them.

Mona, still blonde and dressed in a candy striper uniform, comes in and hands out aspirin and juice to the Liars.  Mona is once again resuming the Ali role in order to stay alive and avoid Charles’s wrath.

Mona says the Liars were unconscious for a few hours.  She was locked in her room during that time.

A recording on the intercom tells the Liars to return to their rooms and find their surprises.  Mona looks at the surveillance camera and repeatedly refuses.  The bell rings three times, which means they have to go to their rooms or else.  If they refuse, Mona says “A” will steal them in the night and put them in the hole.

Reluctantly, the Liars go inside their rooms.  The girls gasp and scream when they see what waits for them in the rooms.

Three weeks later, the media is crowded outside Alison DiLaurentis’s house for a press conference.  The police believe Andrew Campbell, who we last saw crushing on Aria, is the one who kidnapped the girls.  However, the police don’t know where Andrew is.

It has been one month since the kidnapping, so Alison is already out of jail.  Alison reads a statement to the press.  She is grateful to be home with her family, but she would do anything to see her friends.  They have always been her rock.  Without them, she is lost in the woods and totally alone.

Alison makes a direct plea to Andrew, begging him not to hurt her friends.  Alison ends the press conference with a request that the media and police leave her alone.  She needs to be alone with her family. 

Turns out the press conference was an elaborate ruse set up by the Rosewood police department.  The police are actually hiding out in Alison’s house.  They think Andrew will come to kidnap Alison, thinking she is alone and without police protection.  After all, if you don’t poke the bear it will keep hibernating.

Alison’s father doesn’t want her to be used as bait, but Lt. Tanner promises that the police will protect her.  Now they just have to wait for Andrew to make a move.  Toby and Alison exchange a look.

Back at the dollhouse, the mysterious Alison look-alike brings food to the Liars.  The Liars bang on the door, thinking it is Mona.  The Alison look-alike covers her ears and runs off.

At the DiLaurentis house, the police have their guns drawn and are ready to shoot Alison’s brother Jason when he walks in. 

Suddenly, a blocked number calls Alison’s phone.  The song “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree” plays when she picks up.  The caller hangs up without saying anything. 

The police are able to trace the phone call and realize the caller is in the house.  Lt Tanner locks Alison in the wine cellar while the police search the house for “A”.

Toby finds someone in a black hoodie, sitting in a rocking chair in a bedroom.  Lt. Tanner joins him, only to find that it is a mannequin wearing a pig mask.  A cell phone in the hoodie pocket rings.  Tanner picks it up and they hear a pig squealing.  The police race back down to the wine cellar, but Alison is gone.

Toby tells Lt. Tanner that he recognized the song “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree”.  His mom used to play it on the piano.  Lt. Tanner realizes the song was a message about the Campbell apple farm.  She thinks Alison figured it out and went to meet Andrew without the police.

Looks like Alison managed to fool Lt. Tanner, since she has no intention of going to the Campbell apple farm.  Ezra and Caleb pick up Alison and they put their plan in motion.  Toby calls to let them know that Lt. Tanner sent everyone to the Campbell apple farm.  The call Alison got at the house was actually from Caleb, not “A”.  It was all part of a plan to help Alison get out of the house without the police noticing.

Turns out Alison sent Andrew a secret message during the press conference.  Saying that her friends are her rock and being alone in the woods was code to meet her at the kissing rock.

Caleb put a tracking device in Alison’s shoe.  Caleb and Ezra will be able to know where Alison is at all times and they’ll be seconds behind her.  Hopefully, she’ll be able to lead them to the girls.

The Liars are told to proceed to Alison’s room and prepare for her arrival.  The Liars, completely traumatized by whatever just happened to them, step out of their rooms.  They are dressed like they were the summer before Alison went missing.  Aria has pink streaks in her hair again, Spencer is dressed preppy and Emily is wearing sporty clothes.

None of them can talk about what they just went through in their rooms.  Near tears, Spencer doesn’t think there will ever be words to describe what happened.

Not wanting to get in trouble again, the Liars follow the instructions and go into Alison’s room.  They find boxes of Alison’s stuff in the room.  Hanna asks if the other girls were forced to sign a welcome card for Alison, but they don’t answer.

The Liars realize they are getting ready for Alison’s arrival to the dollhouse.  Hanna is worried that Alison’s arrival will mean that Charles/“A” won’t need Mona anymore.

Looks like Hanna was right to worry about Mona.  Mona is trapped in a deep hole.  Charles, wearing a black hoodie, shines a flashlight on Mona.  Mona begs him to let her out.  She promises to be the best Alison that he’ll ever find.  Charles doesn’t answer and leaves Mona in the hole.

The Liars find Alison’s photo album filled with photos of the day they spent together at the lake.  Alison insulted every one that day.  Hanna remembers that they let Alison call Lucas 'Hermie the Hermaphrodite'.  Aria regrets letting Alison blind Jenna.  Emily defends Alison, saying that Alison has changed.

Spencer finds a toy with the initials “C.D.” among Alison’s stuff.  Aria sees a message carved into the back of the closet.  It says “He’s going to kill me M”.  A message from Mona?

The police watch footage of Alison’s press conference.  They notice a man in the background that could be Andrew and they get a partial license plate number.

Alison hears music while waiting at the kissing rock.  She follows the music to a car.  After she gets in, the GPS tells her to head north and then make an immediate left turn.  Ezra and Caleb follow her.

“A” clearly plans to keep the Liars for a long time.  He left boxes for the Liars in their bedrooms filled with their own personal items, like Aria’s stuffed pig Pigtunia.  Spencer realizes “A” took all this stuff before he kidnapped them.  He had been planning this dollhouse for a long time.

Hanna shows the girls a newspaper article about their families.  Their parents are barely hanging on to hope.  Hanna says the kidnapping made her mom physically sick.  She ended up in the hospital.  Furious, Aria faces the surveillance camera and threatens to kill “A” for what he is doing to their families.

Spencer whispers that they are going to find Mona and all escape when the generator shuts off.  She grabs an Etch A Sketch and uses it to tell her friends that Charles is a DiLaurentis.

Alison arrives at Tyler State Park.  She pushes the roadside assistance button and asks for help, but “A” has hacked into the system.  Is there no limit to what he can do?  “A” instructs Alison to look in the trunk of the car.  “A” has left her the welcome card the Liars signed.  The card has a recording that tells her to put on the clothes in the trunk and start walking or else her friends will die.

Caleb and Ezra are concerned when the tracking device shows Alison at a dead stop.  They call Toby for backup. 

Lt. Tanner looks through the evidence they have against Andrew Campbell.  There is an angry note, supposedly written by Andrew.  It says “It’s people like them, people like Aria with her aloof, doe eyes, and Spencer, that smug overachieving know nothing know it all, and Hanna and Emily that are the root cause of all that is bad in this world.  They like games?  Well so do I.  I fantasize about watching them scream, about watching what it takes to make them turn on each other.  It’s not that I hate them, I don’t.  They aren’t evil.  They just play everyone like they’re game pieces.  Like pawns.  I’m no pawn, and they can’t play me.”

Toby tells Lt. Tanner that they found a vehicle stolen two weeks ago outside Tyler State Park.

Ezra and Caleb arrive at the abandoned car.  Caleb notices that Alison left her shoes pointing in a specific direction, so the guys head that way to find her.  Meanwhile, Alison is wandering through the woods in a yellow top.

When the generator shuts off, the Liars start running.  Spencer tells the girls that the note they found in Mona’s room was an anagram for Charles DiLaurentis.  (“Chandelier’s rituals.  Sister launched lair.  A ruler’s list chained.”  We still don’t know who left the anagram for the Liars).  Spencer also found toys with his initials.  She thinks Alison and Charles grew up together.

Spencer’s plan is to get into Charles’s vault through the soul room.  Charles disappeared quickly from the soul room on the night of their escape attempt, so there must be a trap door that leads to the vault.  The Liars crawl through an air vent and get into Charles’s vault.  Looking around, Emily agrees that “A” does have a soul.

Spencer turns on a projector and they all watch the home movie of Alison’s mother telling twin boys to kiss their baby sister.  After challenging Charles with a “Game on”, Spencer makes the film burn.  She holds up the burning film and demands Mona back.  When Charles doesn’t respond, the girls set fire to one of his dolls. 

Charles watches the video monitors, torn between stopping the Liars and going to get Alison.  He can see that Alison has just arrived outside the compound.

The fire spreads quickly in the vault and Aria worries that Charles isn’t even watching them.  They pull down a curtain to put out the fire and scream when they see “A” watching them through a glass wall.  Of course, we still don’t know who he is because he’s wearing a hoodie and mask.  The Liars decide to throw everything Charles cares about into the fire.  “A” finally pulls the fire alarm.

Ezra and Caleb catch up with Alison.  They think “A” sent them on a wild-goose chase and start to leave.  They suddenly hear the fire alarm and turn back around.  They call 911 and find the door to the dollhouse.

The Liars find Mona and rescue her from the hole.

The girls rush out of the dollhouse as Ezra and Caleb are banging on the door.  They run to their boyfriends.  Caleb promises to never let Hanna go.  Ezra tells Aria that he thought he lost her.

Police come arrive and Toby and Spencer reunite.  Spencer is about to tell Toby that “A” is Charles DiLaurentis, but before she can say anything he tells her that “A” is Andrew Campbell.

The police find the mystery Alison look-alike and take her out of the dollhouse on stretcher.  She tells the police that her name is Sara Harvey.

The Liars remember meeting Sara Harvey’s friends ("Who's in the Box" 4x14).  Sara Harvey lived in Courtland and went missing around the same time that Alison disappeared.  The girls wonder if Sara Harvey was trapped in the dollhouse the whole time she was missing.

Emily thanks Alison for saving them and asks her who Charles DiLaurentis is.  Alison doesn’t respond.

The PLL season 6 premiere 6x01 “Game On, Charles” ends with the Liars saved, but where is “A”?


  1. Great season start! Will be very intersting to learn what happened to the girls in theses 3 weeks...
    But what I don't get - where was the electric fence when Alison, Ezra and Caleb recued the girls? Was that another entrance? And if it was, why couldn't the girls find it?
    Because it totally looked like the place the girls went out at the last scene in season 5/ the place outside where they couldn't go away from because of the electric fence, which forced them to follow A's demand and go back into their prison "doll house".
    So, where was the fence later? :D

    1. Great point. It seemed like suddenly it was so easy for the girls to find an exit and escape the dollhouse at the end.
      I think it was a different entrance, since the door that the girls went out of in the last scene of season 5 said “RESTRICTED KEEP OUT” on it. I don’t remember seeing that written on the door that Alison, Ezra and Caleb were waiting at.
      It does seem strange that the girls couldn’t find that entrance earlier, yet they suddenly found it as the place was on fire :)
