Wednesday, June 24, 2015

PLL Sneak Peek 6x05: Mona Still Scared of Alison

Mona shows up unexpectedly at Hanna’s house in this sneak peek of PLL 6x05 “She’s No Angel”.

Mona is back in Rosewood, but she doesn’t look like the Mona we all know.  Mona’s dressed in all black and is wearing sunglasses.  She got back from the spa late last night.  It doesn’t look like the relaxation helped her any. 

Hanna tells her about the cops that follow the girls around 24/7.  They even stand outside the bathroom at school.

Mona wishes that she never came back to Rosewood.  She doesn’t feel safe being in the same zip code as Alison.  She’s sure Alison is plotting revenge for Mona sending her to jail for months.

Hanna tries to get Mona to worry about the bigger issue: “A” is still out there.

Mona asks Hanna to take her to the police station.  She doesn’t want to go in there alone.  They might press charges against her for faking her death.  The investigation into her death cost the taxpayers more than Rosewood’s new sewer system.  She committed a crime and she doesn’t think the cops will look after her like they are looking after Hanna.

Hanna tells Mona that the cops are looking for “A”.  They all are.  They have to track down anyone who had contact with Charles DiLaurentis.  Someone who worked at Radley has to know something.

Are you glad Mona is back in town?  We know how smart Mona is.  Maybe she can help the Liars figure out who “A” is.

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