
Monday, February 27, 2017

Shay Mitchell Shares Workout Video on Instagram

Pretty Little Liars star Shay Mitchell takes fitness seriously. She frequently posts exercise videos demonstrating her various workout routines. Recently, Shay Mitchell shared an intense workout video on Instagram.

Shay starts off the workout video with battle-rope up-downs while balancing on a stability ball. She also does elevated burpees, standing leg presses, stability ball push-up hold with crunch and rows, bosu ball single-leg deadlift with overhead press and cable machine mountain climbers.

Shay captioned the video "Much needed Monday morning sweat session with @j.crvz after a week of indulgence! #workhardeatlotsrestwell 🙋🏽💦🍕🌭🍟🍝🌮".

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That’s a seriously intense workout!

Shay Mitchell’s Other Workout Routines:

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