Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Recap of PLL 6x05 “She’s No Angel”

The Liars make some shocking discoveries about “A” in PLL 6x05 “She’s No Angel”.  It looks like Charles is really dead and the Liars suspect that “A” is a girl.  Lorenzo and Alison kiss, Spencer eats more pot cookies, Hanna tries to fix Mona’s friendship with Lesli, Mona’s scared of Alison’s wrath, Aria gets a photo of “A”, and the Liars start suspecting that Mona’s former BFF Lesli Stone is "A".

Spencer has a nightmare that she is in creepy place with tiled walls and rusty bathtubs.  In her nightmares, a little girl in a dirty nightgown (guest star Maddie Ziegler from Dance Moms) dances around the room.  While watching the girl dance, Spencer has flashbacks to waking up covered in blood in the dollhouse.  In her nightmare, Spencer sees slippers with the name C. DiLaurentis written on them.

Spencer calls Aria to tell her about the nightmare and the creepy room.  Spencer asks if Aria saw a room like that in the dollhouse.  Aria doesn’t want to remember anything about the dollhouse.  She doesn’t want to talk about the pink hair dye, either.  She’s doing everything she can to forget about it.

Frustrated, Spencer tells Aria that they can’t throw clues away.  Spencer stuffs a pot cookie in her mouth.  Spencer’s mom wants her to give a valedictorian speech at graduation, but she’s refusing.  Her mom probably offered to buy Rosewood High a planetarium as a bribe. 

Mona suddenly shows up in Hanna’s kitchen, back from the spa.  Mona’s wearing sunglasses and looks completely miserable.  Mona is scared that Alison is plotting revenge for Mona sending her to jail.  Hanna can’t believe that Mona is scared of Alison when she should really be scared of “A”. 

Mona has to go to the police station and she wants Hanna to go with her.  The police might press charges against her for faking her death.  The investigation cost the taxpayers more than Rosewood’s new sewer system. 

Hanna tries to get Mona to focus on “A”/Charles DiLaurentis.  The Liars have to track down anyone who had contact with Charles.  Someone who worked at Radley has to know something about him.

The cops stationed outside the DiLaurentis house aren’t fans of Alison.  Alison overhears them call her a little skank who put so many people behind bars.  Who is protecting the cops from Alison?

Sara Harvey is still having issues with her mom.  Her mom wants her to come back home.  Emily worries that Sara’s mom is trying to make money off the kidnapping.  Emily wants Sara to get legally emancipated. 

Aria’s photographer friend Clark stops by to see Aria.  He invites her to come with him to take photos at a junkyard.  He also tells Aria about a photo contest.  The winner gets a cash prize and a summer internship at a magazine in Los Angeles.

Alison tells her dad about the cop who dissed her.  Alison’s dad advises her to let it go.  She has to own it.  Bad behavior has a way of catching up with you.  “You would know,” Alison tells her dad.

Hanna and Mona stop by The Brew to grab lattes before going to the police station.  Mona is surprised to see her BFF Lesli Stone there. 

Lesli hates Mona for dragging her into the fake death scheme.  Lesli was summoned by the Roswood police.  She blames Mona for making her an accomplice to a crime.  Her fellowship, teaching position and reputation are in jeopardy because she saw Mona as the victim.  She never wanted perjury on her resume.

Mona isn’t defending herself, so Hanna jumps in.  Hanna doesn’t know what perjury means, but she tells Lesli to back off.  Mona never meant to hurt Lesli.  Lesli then starts verbally attacking Hanna.

Mona apologizes, but Lesli wants payback.   Mona will live to regret it if she ever reaches out to her again.

At school Hanna tells Spencer about Lesli’s outburst.  Lesli had a lot of nerve for attacking Hanna when Lesli threw her under the bus and testified against her in court.  Hanna gets annoyed by Spencer’s lack of attention.

Spencer’s more concerned about Toby returned and hooking up with him.  Hanna’s relationship with Caleb isn't good right now.  Caleb treats her like a cracked egg that fell out of robin’s nest. 

Hanna thinks Lesli is a lunatic who needs a reality check.  She wants Lesli to forgive Mona.  Spencer tells Hanna not to get involved, but Hanna doesn't think she has a choice.  Mona is now scared of Alison and Lesli.  Mona can’t help them break into Radley if she is scared. 

Spencer eats another pot cookie and slaps Hanna’s hand away when Hanna tries to grab one.  Hanna can tell that Spencer is buzzed.  “Dr. Oz says sex is a drug, too.  Maybe you should figure that one out,” Hanna tells Spencer.

Aria takes photos of creepy dolls at the junkyard and is uncomfortable when Clark takes a photo of her.  Clark asks Aria out on a date, but Aria isn’t interested in dating anyone.  She’s still dealing with everything she’s been through.

Lorenzo stops by Alison’s house and asks her to get involved in church activities.  He thinks Alison could really make a difference as a youth leader.  Alison’s dad interrupts them and kicks Lorenzo out of the house.  Alison’s dad accuses Alison of swapping police after the other cop insulted her.

Caleb got emancipated, so Emily and Sara go to him for help.  Caleb doesn’t think Sara’s chances of getting emancipated are good.  She needs a job and a high school diploma.  He suggests that Sara wait until she turns eighteen, which is only a couple months away.  Emily immediately rejects that idea.  Every moment is precious.

Caleb decides to give Sara a job at his web design company.  It pays minimum wage, but it might help her get legally emancipated.

Aria is taking more photos of creepy dolls at the junkyard when she sees someone in a black hoodie.  Clark is taking photos nearby.  Maybe Clark got a photo of “A”?

Spencer goes to a meeting to deal with her addiction issues.  She sees her sober coach, Dean, there.  (Dean was Spencer’s sober coach when Spencer was addicted to pills.  He got fired when Spencer’s mom found him asleep on the couch with Spencer).

Dean gives Spencer a ride home.  Spencer explains that she is sick of living in a state of permanent anxiety.  A few bites of the cookies helps her sleep.  Dean tells her not to rationalize it.  What she’s going through sucks, but she’s stronger than she thinks.  He tells her to give him a call the next time she can’t sleep.  Spencer hands over her pot cookies and asks him to throw them out.  “You’re the first girl to toss her cookies in my car,” Dean jokes.

Back at Hollis, Aria looks at Clark’s film and sees that he snapped a photo with “A” in the background.  Aria calls Emily.  Aria wants to tell Clark about “A”, but Emily says absolutely not.  Emily doesn’t want “A” to retaliate and hurt Sara.  Emily tells Aria to steal Clark’s photos.

Hanna meets up with Lesli at The Brew.  Hanna wants Lesli to find a way to forgive Mona.  Hanna has already forgiven Mona.  Mona is complicated, but she isn’t the real monster here.  “A” is the monster.  Lesli wonders if Radley helped Mona or made her worse.

Hanna tells Lesli that Radley holds all the answers.  Lesli warns Hanna not to take matters into her own hands.  That is what got Mona in trouble in the first place.

Spencer catches Mona leaving a card in Alison’s mailbox.  She figured Alison would just delete her emails and ignore her calls. Do they make apology cards for framing someone for murder?

Spencer tells Mona about her nightmares of a young girl who looks like Alison.  She describes the creepy room.  Mona says that it sounds terrible, but she doesn’t recognize the place.  Mona thinks the place doesn’t exist anywhere except in Spencer’s head.

To celebrate Sara’s impending emancipation, Emily and Sara get tattoos.  Sara gets a tattoo of a bird flying out of a cage.  She pushes Emily to get a tattoo.  She noticed Emily eyeing a tattoo of a mermaid with a harpoon.  Emily’s mom would harpoon her if she got a tattoo, so Sara suggests that she get a small one in a place her mom wouldn’t see.  Emily ends up getting a tattoo of the Japanese symbol for courage.  Sara holds Emily’s phone while Emily gets it done.

Hanna and Spencer break into Radley to find out if Charles is really dead.  Mona wanted to come, but Mona’s mom isn’t letting her out of her sight.  Spencer and Hanna head to the basement where the patient records are held.  Spencer sees a poster of the young girl in her nightmares.  It is an old nutrition poster.  Spencer realizes that the creepy place from her dreams was actually Radley. 

Spencer finds Charles DiLaurentis’s patient file.  It looks like he really is dead.  Charles’s heart, liver and both of his kidneys were donated.  So who is pretending to be Charles?

Hanna drops some files in one of the bathtubs.  She freaks out when she sees a face in the tub.  Spencer fishes it out and Hanna finally calms down.  It isn’t a dead body.  It’s a doll.  Specifically, it’s a Resusci Annie that is used to teach CPR.

Aria examines the film she stole from Clark.  She stares at the photo of “A” and realizes that “A” looks like a girl.  She snaps a photo and sends it to her friends.  She texts “‘A’ is a GIRL…???”

Lorenzo stops by to see Alison again.  Alison tries to apologize for her father kicking him out of the house earlier.  Lorenzo doesn’t think Alison’s dad is angry at him or at her.  Alison’s dad is angry at himself for failing to protect his own family.

Lorenzo really seems like a good guy.  He managed to get the police to switch shifts.  Alison won’t be seeing the police that insulted her anymore.  Lydia, a nice Rosewood police officer, will take over.

Alison and Lorenzo kiss on the porch.  They stop when Alison’s dad comes home.  Alison dad looks furious as he watches Lorenzo leave.

While Emily gets her tattoo, Sara sees Aria’s text about “A”.  Sara tells Emily that she saw “A” a couple of times recently.  Sara runs off and Emily chases her.  Sara is upset that Emily didn’t tell her what was going on.  Emily was just trying to protect her, but Sara wants to protect herself.  Emily tells Sara that they are close to figuring out everything. 

Back at Radley, Spencer and Hanna run when they hear a noise.  They are shocked to run into Mona.  Mona is holding a file.  Hanna assumes that Mona was stealing her own file to protect herself. 

It wasn’t her own file she was stealing, though.  Mona was stealing Lesli’s file.  Lesli was a patient at Radley, but she doesn’t want anyone to find out.  Lesli and Mona actually met at Radley.  Lesli was a patient at Radley long enough to know both Mona and Charles DiLaurentis.

Alison gets a text from her friends telling her to come over.  They’ve had a breakthrough.  Alison’s dad isn’t willing to let Alison leave the house, especially if she might be seeing Lorenzo.  If Alison doesn’t listen, he’ll take her away from Rosewood.  Alison tells her dad to just bury her in the ground at Aunt Carol’s house next to Charles.  Alison’s dad seems genuinely confused.  Maybe he doesn’t know about the tombstone?

The Liars meet up and look at the photo of “A”.  They all agree that it looks like a girl.  Hanna is sure it is Lesli Stone, but Aria and Emily aren’t convinced.  Coming after them in the courtroom isn’t the same as torturing them like “A” did. 

Spencer tells them that Lesli shared a room with Bethany Young while she was in Radley.  Maybe Lesli thinks the Liars helped Alison kill Bethany and dump her in the ground.  (Spencer’s sister Melissa was the one who buried Bethany alive, but they still have no idea who attacked Bethany right before that.)  Since Lesli doesn’t know that, Lesli might be trying to get justice for Bethany Young’s murder.  Spencer also thinks Lesli must have been close to Charles. 

Hanna doesn’t think Mona was covering for Lesli.  She thinks Mona was just trying to repair her friendship with Lesli.  Lesli had Mona fooled.  Spencer is not completely sure about that, though.

Emily wonders why Lesli would kidnap Sara.  Maybe Sara was just a rehearsal until Lesli could get her hands on Alison.

Since the Liars know where Lesli lives, they want to catch her in the act.

Mona calls Lesli.  Mona did everything she could, but the Liars know about Lesli’s time in Radley.  Lesli has an epic meltdown.  She starts screaming and banging on her steering wheel.  Lesli accuses Mona of screwing this up for her.  She screams that Mona always screws everything up.

“A” builds a creepy doll of Aria.  “A” puts pink streaked hair on a tennis ball and combs the hair.  What’s up with “A”’s fixation on Aria’s pink streaked hair?

Are you convinced Charles is dead?  And do you think Lesli is “A”?  Usually the Liars are completely convinced someone is “A”, only to find out they had it completely wrong.  The way Lesli talked to Mona and her complete meltdown was a little strange, though.  And Lesli was Bethany Young's roommate at Radley?  Didn't see that one coming.

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