
Friday, March 6, 2015

Lance Bass Interviews PLL’s Ian Harding

Lance Bass (‘N Sync) interviewed Ian Harding (Ezra on PLL) and asked him questions about Pretty Little Liars.  (Coincidently, Lance Bass’s husband worked on the short film “Immediately Afterlife”, which starred PLL actors Troian Bellisario, Shay Mitchell, Nolan North, and Ian Harding).

Ian Harding says that he has no idea who “A” is.  PLL is so secretive that they film multiple versions of certain scenes to keep the cast and crew guessing.  When they filmed the big reveal of Toby in a black hoodie in season 3, they also had other actors film that same scene so no one would know who had really joined the “A” team.

Since PLL is such a popular show, Ian has a hard time going out without being recognized.  He has learned not to go to malls or hang out around high schools.  He also dresses as horribly as possible, so people won’t recognize him.

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