
Saturday, April 28, 2018

Lucy Hale Encourages Self-Care & "Me Time" on Solo Vacation

Actress Lucy Hale took a solo vacation to Arizona and shared photos from her trip on Instagram. On her trip, she discovered the importance of putting herself first. She admitted that this is the first time she's taken a solo vacation to focus on mediation and "me time". She encouraged her fans to also take a solo getaway and feel spiritually recharged.

Lucy Hale self-care solo vacation Arizona for "me time"

Lucy Hale shared this photo from her solo vacation and captioned it "Disclaimer : this is a long caption.

For the last week I took a solo trip to Arizona. (FYI -if you want to feel spiritually recharged, Come here.) I spent my days hiking, meditating, and spending time with myself. I’ve never done this before because I used to feel that putting myself first was selfish. It’s not. Not only is it healthy, but it’s necessary so that you can be the best for everyone else around you. I know this happens in other industries other than the one I’m in, but it’s incredibly easy to get sucked into the vortex of worrying about the next job, the success of a current one and what others think of you."

Lucy Hale continued, "This trip was a beautiful reminder that my health and happiness are crucial to the life I want to live and in order to be the best for my career and my loved ones, it’s necessary to do really nice things for yourself. SO, I highly recommend treating your mind, body and spirit right ( and taking a solo getaway). Thank you Arizona, I feel so refreshed 🙏🏼".

Lucy Hale on Arizona solo vacation with yellow flower, spiritual getaway

Love Lucy Hale's reminder to takes some time for yourself. Enjoy the "me time", even if you can't go on a vacation right now. Take the time to do something you love and you'll be healthier and happier! Could be as simple as using a facial mask and having a spa night at home. (See which bubble face mask Lucy Hale uses).

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