
Monday, October 16, 2017

How to Create 'Pretty Little Liars' DIY Jack-O'-Lantern Pumpkin for Halloween

Want to have a pretty little Halloween? Feeling crafty and ready to create an easy DIY Halloween decoration? Here's how to create a cool "A" jack-o'-lantern. Who wouldn't love some Pretty Little Liars inspired Halloween decorations? And there's nothing more creepy than "A" lurking around, waiting to make a move.

Materials Needed:
Pumpkin (real or foam pumpkin)
Pumpkin carving kit
Water-based marker
Candle or Pumpkin Light
Free Printable Template

Once you print out the template, you can copy it on the pumpkin using a water-based marker. Or you can use the template by placing it on the pumpkin and poking holes through it with a pumpkin carving tool.

Carve away to create the perfect spooky PLL "A" jack-o'-lantern.

Insert candle or pumpkin light and enjoy your Pretty Little Liars "A" jack-o'-lantern! (Note: Make sure to use a battery operated candle instead of a real flame candle if you chose to carve a foam pumpkin).

Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween!

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