
Friday, June 23, 2017

PLL Season 7B Series Finale Spoilers: How A.D. Will be Revealed to Liars

Janel Parrish, Mona on PLL, spilled some details on the Pretty Little Liars series finale A.D. reveal. She also confirmed that they used motion capture for at least one of Mona's scenes.

Janel Parrish spills Pretty Little Liars spoilers about A.D. reveal series finale

The Pretty Little Liars finale is unlike any previous finales. It is laced with homages to the cast, the writers and the fans. It’s beautiful, funny and bittersweet. There are answers, but it’s interwoven together to make a beautiful gift to the fans.

Will the girls discover who A.D. is or will A.D. reveal his/her identity to the Liars? Janel says it is all of that at once. A bunch of things happen at the same time. The characters are figuring things out on their own and the reveal is happening all in one moment.

Janel says Mona will be in the finale. The series finale will be the most emotional PLL episode ever. Fans will feel betrayed, sad and happy. Janel suggests that we watch the series finale with tissues. And wine, if you can drink. The finale is going to be a journey.

Janel Parrish confirms that she had motion capture done for a PLL scene (just like Lucy Hale did for the Aria Avataria scenes when Aria was talking to A.D.)  Will Mona directly talk to A.D.? Janel won’t answer that question or spill why she did motion capture.

Janel Parrish’s favorite Pretty Little Liars episode is 7x19 “Farewell My Lovely”. Janel had a lot of fun Mona scenes that she really enjoyed playing with. We got to see a different side of Mona. Mona let her guard down and we learned more about why Mona acts the way she does.

Are you ready for the Pretty Little Liars series finale?

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