
Saturday, July 9, 2016

PLL BTS Photos 7x04 “Hit and Run, Run, Run”

Here are behind-the-scenes photos and videos of the Pretty Little Liars cast filming episode 7x04 “Hit and Run, Run, Run”. The episode was directed by Michael Go and written by Maya Goldsmith.

Jenna Marshall is finally back in Rosewood. (And Jenna's going to make the Liars very angry!). Actress Tammin Sursok took an early morning selfie in the PLL trailer. She captioned this photo “Trailer life on@prettylittleliars set at 6am 😴😴😴#jennaisback #pll”.

Tammin Sursok (Jenna Marshall on PLL) bts photo selfie in trailer episode 7x04

Andrea Parker (Mary Drake) with Shay Mitchell. Andrea captioned this photo “Nobody lurks better than #MaryDrake #IhavethisoneinmycontactsasSlayMitchell”.

Andrea Parker & Shay Mitchell filming PLL 7x04 bts set photo

Norman Buckley, who directs numerous PLL episodes, was on set and snapped this photo of Lucy Hale. He captioned this photo “Back with my beloved Lucy Hale, amusing her with my stories of #FutureAria on a Mediterranean yacht, in the wonderful #PLL spinoff that only exists in my mind.” A PLL spinoff with Aria on a Mediterranean yacht?! I’d watch that :)

Lucy Hale & director Norman Buckley on PLL set episode 7x04 behind the scenes

Janel Parrish’s best friend visited her on the PLL set. “I love when my beautiful best friend comes to visit me at worky” Janel captioned this photo.

Janel Parrish (Mona Vanderwaal) on PLL set with best friend filming 7x04

Tammin Sursok, Jenna Marshall on PLL, posted this selfie with the caption “Jenna 5 years forward. #pll #prettylittleliars@prettylittleliars”.

Actress Tammin Sursok (Jenna) PLL behind-the-scenes episode 7x04

Shay Mitchell (Emily) hanging out during a Friday overnight shoot. Shay captioned this photo “HAPPY FRATURDAY FROM EMILY FIELDS! (FRATURDAY = Friday overnight shoot until the wee hours of Saturday morning, who says they have no fun in Rosewood?! 😜) #PLL”.

Actress Shay Mitchell (Emily) PLL behind-the-scenes episode 7x04

Tammin Sursok posted a photo of Jenna’s iconic sunglasses and the Pretty Little Liars 7x04 script with the caption “SHE'S BACK BITCHES!!!!! #jenna #jennaisback #missme #pll #prettylittleliars #justwait #beafraid @prettylittleliars”.

Tammin Sursok (Jenna) PLL script episode 7x04 "Hit and Run, Run, Run"

Tammin Sursok posted this video the first day back on the PLL set. “Do these sunglasses scare you?” Tammin asks.

Tammin Sursok also posted this behind-the-scenes video with the caption “Shit is going down”. Seems like Alison DiLaurentis, Toby Cavanaugh and Jenna Marshall may have a scene together. Wonder what’s going to happen between them?

A behind-the-scenes video of Keegan Allen and Troian Bellisario:

A video posted by Keegan Allen📸 (@keeoone) on

More behind-the-scenes photos for PLL season 7:

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