
Saturday, June 25, 2016

PLL BTS Photos 7x02 “Bedlam”

Here are behind-the-scenes photos and videos of the PLL cast filming episode 7x02 “Bedlam”.

Huw Collins (Dr. Elliot Rollins), Sasha Pieterse (Alison DiLaurentis) and Andrea Parker (Mary Drake) filming a scene together. Huw captioned this photo “Delightful dysfunction. @sashapieterse27 @theandreaparker #pll”.

Huw Collins, Sasha Pieterse and Andrea Parker filming PLL 7x02 Bedlam

Set production assistant Lisa H posted this photo of Ian Harding (Ezra) with the caption “Today in #PLL fashion....... @ianmharding You are one of a kind”.

Ian Harding (Ezra) filming PLL episode 7x02 Bedlam

Brendan Robinson (Lucas Gottesman) with set production assistant Lisa H. Brendan captioned this photo “Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. This place wouldn't run without you @lisah76 #pll #prettylittleliars #plls7”.

Brendan Robinson (Lucas) on set PLL 7x02 Bedlam

Huw Collins gets a hug after he spills something on his wardrobe. He wrote “Necessary comfort from my fellow Brit, after an unfortunate spillage... @cameroncostumes took it very well indeed 😇 #pll #clumsyisanunderstatement”.

Huw Collins (Dr. Elliot Rollins) wardrobe malfunction on set PLL 7x02 Bedlam

Get ready to see more of Mary Drake.

PLL showrunner Marlene King and the rest of the crew. Huw Collins snapped this photo and captioned it “The brains, brawn and bosses behind the magic #PLL @imarleneking”.

Marlene King and PLL crew working on episode 7x02 Bedlam

Did you notice these at the Brew? PLL makeup artist Cindy Miguens snapped a photo with the caption “Have you ever seen these guys hanging on the wall when the PLLs are lounging at the brew? My favorite deco at the Brew! I want these so bad! @planetmalone”.

PLL The Brew Ninja decor episode 7x02 Bedlam

Video of Sasha Pieterse having fun in the makeup trailer video:

Lucy Hale, Troian Bellisario, Shay Mitchell and Ian Harding did a Facebook Live video and answered questions from fans during downtime on the set of PLL. They also gave a mini tour of the set. Unfortunately, Ashley Benson was not with them because she was busy filming a scene.

More behind-the-scenes photos for Pretty Little Liars season 7:

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