
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

PLL 7x02 Sneak Peek: Liam Calls Ezra a Predator

Get ready for an Aria-Ezra-Liam love triangle. Liam implies that Ezra is a predator in this sneak peek of Pretty Little Liars episode 7x02 “Bedlam”.

Aria hasn’t talked to Liam in a while and she’s been ignoring his calls. Liam knows Aria and Ezra used to be in love. So maybe Liam suspects there’s something going on between Aria and Ezra again? Liam definitely goes on the offensive in “Bedlam”.

Ezra and Liam have a meeting about Ezra’s book, but Liam’s thinly veiled insults make the meeting uncomfortable. Liam suddenly sees a problem with Ezra’s book. Liam starts off by saying Ezra’s main character is a predator because he dated an inappropriately younger girl. Liam says it will make the readers’ skin crawl.

Ezra says there isn’t much of an age difference between the two characters. Liam says Ezra is justifying his actions. Liam thinks there is a friction between Ezra’s chapters and Aria’s chapters. He doesn’t want Aria to look foolish, like she got talked into something she didn’t want.

Ezra immediately notices that Liam slipped and said “Aria” instead of “Aria’s character”. Liam claims it is his job to protect both Ezra and Aria from poor judgment and avoidable bad choices.

Are you Team Ezra or Team Liam?

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